
Authentication and authorization library for Codeigniter 4

Project maintained by sweetscar Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

This library provides an easy and simple way to create login, logout, and user registration features for your CodeIgniter 4 projects.



Currently this library has the following main features.


Composer Installation

Assuming Composer is installed globally, you may use the following command:

composer require sweetscar/authigniter

This will add the SweetScar\AuthIgniter as a module to your project.

Manual Instalation

If you choose not to use composer to install, You can download or clone this library repository then enable it by editing app/Config/Autoload.php and add the SweetScar\AuthIgniter namespace to the $psr4 array. For example if you copied the library into app/ThirdParty:

$psr4 = [
    'Config'                => APPPATH . 'Config',
    APP_NAMESPACE           => APPPATH,
    'App'                   => APPPATH,
    'SweetScar\AuthIgniter' => APPPATH .'ThirdParty/sweetscar/authigniter/src',


Once installed you need to configure the framework to use the SweetScar\AuthIgniter library.

Ensure your database is setup correctly, then run the AuthIgniter migrations:

php spark migrate -all

After the migration is complete, this library already provides basic authentication for your application with the following default configuration.

public $defaultUserGroup = 'default';
public $authenticationLibraries = [
    'local' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Libraries\Authentication\LocalAuthentication',
public $authorizationLibraries = [
    'default' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Libraries\Authorization\DefaultAuthorization'
public $accountManager = [
    'default' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Libraries\Account\DefaultAccountManager'
public $views = [
    'login' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\login',
    'register' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\register',
    'forgot_password' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\forgot_password',
    'reset_password' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\reset_password',
    'reset_password_result' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\reset_password_result',
    'verify_email_result' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\verify_email_result',
    'email:email_verification_link' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\Email\email_verification_link',
    'email:reset_password_link' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\Email\reset_password_link',
    'email:password_changed_notification' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\Email\password_changed_notification',
    'email:registration_success_notification' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\Email\registration_success_notification',
public $viewLayout = 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Views\layout';
public $emailLibraries = [
    'default' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Libraries\Email\DefaultEmail',
    'netcore' => 'SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Libraries\Email\NetcoreEmail'
public $defaultEmailLibrary = 'default';
public $activeEmailNotifications = [];
public $enableForgotPassword = false;
public $enableUsername = true;
public $minimumUsernameLength = 8;
public $maximumUsernameLength = 30;
public $requireEmailVerification = false;
public $emailVerificationDeadline = 30 * DAY;
public $userActivatedAsDefault = true;
public $successLoginRedirect = '/';
public $successLogoutRedirect = '/login';
public $hashAlgorithm = PASSWORD_DEFAULT;
public $minimumPasswordLength = 8;
public $maximumPasswordLength = 30;
public $tokenExpiryTime = ['email_verification' => 1800, 'reset_password' => 3600];


The following Services are provided by the package.


Provides access to any of the authentication packages. By default it will return the “Local Authentication” library, which is the basic password-based system.

$authentication = service('authentication');

Provides access to any of the authorization libraries. By default it will return the Default authorization library. It provides user group based permissions.

$authorization = service('authorization');

Provides access to any of the user account manager. By default it will return the Default Account Manager. Used to manage user account like create, update, delete activate, etc.

$account = service('account');

Helper Functions


Check if user has logged in or not.


Get detail of current logged user.


Check if the current authenticated user is a member of a group.


This library uses CodeIgniter Entities for it’s User object, and your application must also use that class. This class provides automatic password hashing.

Restricting Access

First, edit application/Config/Filters.php and add the following entries to the aliases property:

'authenticate'  => \SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Filters\AuthenticationFilter::class,
'authorize'     => \SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Filters\AuthorizationFilter::class,

Authenticate Users

The authentication filter is restrict access if user not logged in. If user not logged in, user will redirected to login form. This filter not require additional parameters so you can use this filter to restrict the the user by URI pattern.

public filters = [
    'authenticate' => ['before' => ['account/*']],

or restrict entire site:

   public $globals = [
        'before' => [

Any single route can be restricted by adding the filter option to the last parameter in any of the route definition methods:

$routes->get('admin', 'AdminController::index', ['filter' => 'authenticate']);
Logging out the user

To perform the logout process, you simply create a form with the “POST” method, and navigate to the logout route. For example:

<form action="/logout" method="POST">
    <!-- don't forget to add csrf field -->
    <button type="submit">Logout</button>

You can use the helper from CodeIgniter route_to() and pass autigniter:logout in the parameters to fill out form action. Example:


Note: You may want to check all the named routes provided here.

Authorize The User

The authorization filter is used to restrict access to some routes based on groups authorization, this filter will check if user has logged in and check if user is member of spesific group or not. This filter require additional parameters, the name of group that allowed to access routes.

Creating Authorization Group

To create a group, you simply run the command ai:create_group, Then you will be asked to enter the name and description of the group

Consider the following example.

php spark ai:create_group admin "admin group description"
Adding user to group

To add a user to a group, simply run this command:

php spark ai:add_user_to_group

Then you are asked to enter the desired user email and group name.

Restricting by route

For example, if you want to allow all user that is member of “admin” group only and restrict other group, it will look like this.

$routes->get('admin', 'AdminController::index', ['filter' => 'authorize:admin']);

If any other logged user accessing to this routes and the user is not member of admin group, user will redirected to 403 Forbidden error, indicating that user does not have permission to access the page.

Tips: If you want to allow all group to access the route, just put star (*) on the filter parameter,

['filter' => 'authorize:*']


AuthIgniter trigger some important event that you may want to do something when the event is triggered.

Available Named Routes

Only available if $enableForgotPassword in the Configuration is true

Only available if $requireEmailVerification in the Configuration is true

Available Commands

Example usage:

php spark ai:create_user


Library customization is very easy to do. As a first step, Copy the configuration file from src/Config/AuthIgniter.php to app/Config/AuthIgniter.php and change class extend to SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Config\AuthIgniter

For example:


namespace SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Config;

use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class AuthIgniter extends BaseConfig

Change to:


namespace SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Config;

use SweetScar\AuthIgniter\Config\AuthIgniter as AuthConfig;

class AuthIgniter extends AuthConfig

Now, you can configure according to your project needs.

Note: By default, AuthIgniter uses the CodeIgniter email library to send email. So, if you want to enable features related to sending email, like forgot password, email verification, notification, etc, please make sure the email configuration is done and make sure your project can send email.

As an alternative, Currently AuthIgniter also provides a library for sending email using the services of the Netcore Email API. To use this email library, you must perform the following steps.

First, make sure you already have an account at Netcore Email Api. If you don’t, Create here

Then get the API URL and API Key for your account from there.

On your env file, Add the following variable:

authigniteremail.netcore.url = [Your email API URL]
authigniteremail.netcore.api_key = [your API Key]

Now, change the default email library in AuthIgniter Config

$defaultEmailLibrary = 'netcore';

and we are done.

Customizing The View Templates

If you want to use your own view file, just point the view configuration to the location of your view file. For example:

public $views = [
    'login' => 'auth/login',

AuthIgniter extends view layouts to create login, register, etc. views. If you want to extend your view layout, simply update the $viewLayout configuration. For example:

public $viewLayout = 'templates/layout';